Overly sweet? Maybe. True? Definitely.
It would be impossible for me to count the amount of times I have been grateful to have a sister. There is something so magical about the relationship between sisters that can not be duplicated with someone else. So on this Christmas Eve I would like to dedicate a post to my sister and here are some reasons why.
1. Remember that time when...
Yes, she does. Without a doubt your sister will remember that time, that story, that memory of something that happened at Grandma's, on vacation, or at that 4th of July BBQ.
Remember that time when we watched "The Indian in the Cupboard"?
I am positive that if my sister was here she would laugh, before finishing telling this story.
She INSISTED on sitting in a rolling office chair, rather than sitting on the couch. When the rat jumped out of the cupboard it scared her, causing her to jump and fall backwards out of that precious office chair she was sitting in.
Thank goodness that was before the influx of 3D movies. She may never have recovered.
2. Guess what mom did...
I have called my sister at least a zillion times and began the conversation in just this way. And every time I did so, she was equally as horrified and amused with our mother as I was. Sisters are the people you can count on to have the same reaction to your parents as you do.
3. Best Friends
My sister is my best friend. She will always answer the phone when I need her to, call me with big news, listen to my big news, laugh or cry with me, endure family get togethers and throw me an eye roll at precisely the right moment.
As children when we would fight my mom would get so upset and tell us: "Your sister will be your best friend one day." We would continue to glare at one another all the while thinking "She will never be my best friend!"
Well Mom, here it is, and listen up-- because I'm only going to say this once: You were right and we were wrong.
4. Family Photos
For all of your embarrassing photos, there are just as many of her.
Thank goodness.
5. Inside Jokes
Sometimes when something is said, it only takes a look from my sister before we have both collapsed into giggles remembering some joke that no one else at the table understands.
The reasons why sisters are the absolute best do not end here, but this is all I will share for now. Having a sister is like having a friend who was created just for you, someone who was born just to keep you company. I do not have a brother, so I cannot say for sure that they aren't as wonderful as a sister, but I am pretty sure they aren't.
So this Christmas, give your sister a hug and a kiss and tell her you love her. I know I will.
"A sister is a little bit of childhood that can never be lost." ~Marion C. Garretty

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