Wednesday, January 5, 2011


Inspiration is a funny thing. It comes to you whenever it so pleases, whether you are ready for it or not.

I was hit with such inspiration on Tuesday at 2am. Not a fabulous time, but not the worst-- unless you have to work a twelve hour day shortly after that...

When the Inspiration Fairy struck I thought it best not to ignore her, so I pulled out my notebook and wrote for an hour straight, filling four pages (front AND back, mind you, Ross Gellar fans..) with notes and ideas and spinning more of a story than I thought I could in a sleep deprived funk.

What was so great (or maybe not so great) about this particular bout of inspiration was that I couldn't turn it off. After I had put the notebook away, stepped away from the pen, and turned out the light my mind was still reeling, as I tried and tried, to no avail, to shut it off and get some sleep. I've never been so full of ideas that I actually could not fall asleep. I have never been so anything that I could not fall asleep. I really like sleep... But my next two books are basically outlined, so at least that is something..

Anyway, has anyone else been hit by inspiration at an inconvenient time? (Or at a convenient time... I will not discriminate against inspirations..) I'd love to hear about your stories and about what you were inspired about and where you were when the Inspiration Fairy visited you!

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