Sometimes I forget what's important to me. I think it's something we all do from time to time. It is so easy to get caught up in what's happening immediately in front of you and lose sight of what mattered for so long before that.
I love my job. I love the creativity, I love the challenge, I love making a difference.
But I don't love that I have lost so much of myself. It is a simple excuse to tell yourself that you'll get to it later. I'll have time later. I can do that later. But when you put off what you love, something that makes you uniquely you, you're only sacrificing yourself. But what's worse than being the one to sacrifice yourself, is that you are now depriving the world of your talents and abilities. Think of people you respect, admire, and love. Now think of what would happen if they didn't give their full potential to the word every day. Think of how much beauty would be missing from the world if Shakespeare hadn't written; if da Vinci hadn't painted; if Sinatra hadn't sung? They all had talent. And none of them ignored it.
Last night when I was asked if I had any resolutions or goals for the new year, I struggled to think of any. But I was wrong, I do have one very important goal. To stop being lost. To stop hiding behind excuses and one million reasons why I should put things off. To start being true to the things I love to do that I've stopped doing.
There's always reasons not to. In 2012 I will find reasons to.
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