Saturday, May 10, 2014

Bucket Lists and Daily Routines... Days 9 and 10!

Hey friends. Here is another two for one blog challenge special!

Day 9 asked me to review the items on my "bucket list". While I don't actually consider it a bucket list, I do have a list of just a few (or less) things I would like to do... one day!

  • See whales in the wild. I'm kind of a whale fanatic... I love going to aquariums that provide me the opportunity to see all kinds of water-wildlife, but I am particularly fond of the whales. My dad does have a boat, but he has not yet agreed to take it out far enough to see whales in the water. 
  • Get a book published. I have written one book, and have 2 or 3 others in flux at the moment, but one day I'd love to have something I have written published and on the shelves somewhere. 
To the best of my recollection, those are the only "bucket list" type things I want to get done.. I want to travel, I want to have kids, and I want to live a happy life, but as far as a life lists, this is kind of it...

Day 10 asked for my daily routine. I tend to think that this is a bit boring. I get up, I work out, go to work, sometimes I work out again, then I go home, eat dinner, annnnd... go to bed.

Sorry that I don't lead a more exciting life that would provide you with a more interesting read. Perhaps it is a blessing I fell asleep before blogging last night, so that you could read abut my boring bucket list and my boring daily routine all at one time. (Hopefully you're still awake! Tomorrow should be more exciting... I hope!)

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