Thursday, May 8, 2014

Day 8: Biggest Pet Peeve

I'll never forget the first time I heard the term "pet peeve". I didn't quite grasp that there was a v happening, so I thought we were talking about "pet peas" which instantly provoked an image of cute little peas, snuggled up in their pods, smiling away. 

Not exactly the best image to accompany pet peeves. 

Anyway, I don't really know how to answer this. I know there are a million and one things that bother me, but due to the adorable peas that I STILL think of when hearing those words, it isn't something I generally say. 

But, because I want to fulfill my commitment to this challenge, I will share with you my "biggest pet peeve" that I put in my senior yearbook: blinker leaver on-ers. 

Just turn it off when you're done. I never know when suddenly your left on for far too long blinker is suddenly going to stop being accident, and become a thing that is happening and you'll just be switching lanes willynilly like your blinker hasn't been on for 14 miles, and that I should have been anticipating it all along. 

I realize now that I am also fairly irked by those who don't use their blinkers. They're there for a reason, people. 

I know, I'm asking for a lot here. To both turn off AND turn on your blinkers. A girl can dream :) 

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